Monday, January 18, 2016

I am.

  I am the one who plays with bricks of plastic.
The one who runs in the rain and takes cover when under the sun.
The one who sees everything as a new adventure.

  I am the one who waits for the one that never comes.
The boy who yells but is silent among the screams.
The boy that tries but always fails.

  I am the one that twists metal to make form.
The one who uses lead to sketch a story.
The one who uses ink to write a story.

 I am the one who lives in a broken family.
The one who is broken.
The one who is filled with rage.
The one that must move on.
The one that must let go.

  I am the one who watches stories be written.
The one who watches them end.

  I am the one who feels joy.
The one who feels fear.
The one who feels hate.

  I am the one who fears the stage.
The one who fears loss.

  I am the one behind the curtains.
The one who is lost.
The one who is forgotten.

  I am the one who regrets.
The one who wishes.
The one who wouldn't.
The one who couldn't.

  I am the one who questions whether i'm happy and if this is what i wanted.
The only one that can answer that in the end.


  1. This is a poignant poem, Austin! I love the contradictions, like "The one who runs in the rain and takes cover when under the sun," or "is silent among the screams." You have a lot of feelings and thoughts here. Thank you for sharing!

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  3. I loved your poem. I relate on so many levels and it was kind of like you took my entirety and put it into words.

    1. lately it feels like the poem is on repeat in my life. Just one thing after another you know?

  4. I get that way too, so I know exactly what you mean. I also noticed you say you like to build stuff with Lego's, I'll actually take my brothers to build stuff! But I also question if things actually make me happy or if I'm just forcing myself to think that way so I'll feel better about myself...

    1. now i make stuff out of pipe cleaners and draw. I've just jumped back into writing as another hobby. I would like to get a job as one. also some times i cant tell if i'm forcing myself to do something or i really enjoy it. I tend to go back on the subject later.

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  6. I really like this piece, this is the first poem I've read from our class and i'm really touched by how you did this. I think a lot of us can relate to your poem and i'm grateful you didn't keep this to yourself!! thank you for sharing.
