Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Why I Am

  I write because the experiences I've had in my life.
I write for the comedic jesters and the horrific tales.
I write from an adventure to an endeavor.
I write stories about overcoming overwhelming obstacles.
I write stories of one changing the world around them.
I write the fates of my characters and the world around them.
I write to create new worlds beyond imagining for the world to see.
I write to give inspiration to those of the next generation.
I write for the yearning to be a hero myself.
I write for the rain that gives me peace.
I write for the music that gives me energy.
I write for the stories that have given me inspiration.
I write for my past and wish for a better tomorrow.
I write to see my heroes through till the end.
I write to feel the struggle the pain.
I write to see sun after the storm and the devastation.
My writing is an extension of myself an extension of my being.
My writing describes my family and friends as they are behind the mask.
My writing is myself without the mask I hide behind or the jacket I hide in.
My writing is A part of me overcoming an obstacle I have faced.
My writing is my life.

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